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Homework club will run every Thursday after school for Year 5 &6 on the following dates:

November - 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

December – 6th, 13th

For more information click here

Wednesday 28th Nov: Girls Football Match- Monteagle Lane at 2.45pm

Wednesday 28th November: Code London trip selected Y5 & Y6 Children. 

Monday 3rd Dec: Dressing The Tree

Tuesday 4th December 2018:  Year 5 trip to Sea Life

Wednesday 5th Dec: Girls Football Match , leaving at 2:45pm

Thursday 6th December:  Family quiz after school 3:30pm - 6pm.

Monday and Tuesday 10th/11th Dec- Early years Christmas performance at 9.30am

Tuesday 11th Dec: Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 12th Dec- KS1 Christmas performance, at 2.30pm

Wednesday 12th Dec: Firebrigade at Playground 11am

Thursday 13th Dec- KS1 Christmas performance, at 9.15am

Friday 14th Dec: Robinson Crusoe Panto

Tuesday 18th December 2018: Christmas parties pm

Wednesday 19th December 2018:  Half day, school closes at 1.15pm

Half -term starts Thursday 20th December 2018 - 6th December 2018.

Monday 7th Jan- Children back to school at the usual times.

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