School Vision / Ethos
Five Elms Primary is a two-form entry school for children aged 3 to 11 years old. There are over 520 children on roll. It is a very friendly school which aims that every member of the school community feels valued and respected and that each person is treated fairly and well. We want everyone to be involved in learning, aim for achievement at their highest possible level and to experience and celebrate success. We want to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure. confident, caring and articulate and to use their abilities to the full.
We provide a calm and happy atmosphere and set high standards of respect, courtesy, hard work and achievement for all children and adults.
At the heart of our ethos is CREAM: Can do, Resilience, Expectation, Aspiration and Motivation. Our rules are based upon these concepts and we ensure that children understand their rights and responsibilities.
The school has an enthusiastic and committed staff. Class teachers work with nursery nurses and teaching assistants to meet the needs of all children and we have a number of specialist teachers to help us deliver a challenging and creative curriculum. The school administrative staff, premises manager, lunchtime supervisors, cleaners, kitchen staff and other support staff are all here to help. Everyone involved with the school is a valued and respected member of our school community.
The school has well equipped classrooms each with their Clever Touch Screens, visualisers and teacher laptops. The school has a robust ICT network which also consists of 1 ICT suite, iPads for every pupil. The children have two large playgrounds and a seperate play ground for the Early Years.
We are an extended school which means we offer provision from 7.45 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. during term time. This provision ranges from a breakfast club, a tea time club and after school clubs.
The curriculum is broad and balanced with a strong creative and cross curricular focus. We enrich the curriculum as much as possible through educational and residential visits, visiting speakers and professionals, first-hand experiences and by drawing upon the local and wider community.
Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in their children’s learning. We place a good deal of emphasis on encouraging and expecting good behaviour from our children in order to maintain our calm, purposeful atmosphere.
We are very proud of the social and cultural diversity of our school. The children and staff come from over forty different countries and we celebrate the richness that this brings to the school. This diversity is reflected in our curriculum, our policies and procedures and our school environment.