Cleaning Protocol that we follow – Covid 19
- Cleaning to be carried out twice a day – before/after school and at lunchtimes.
- PPE should be worn during cleaning.
- Before/after school clean – thorough clean of all all occupied areas.
- Enhanced cleaning of of front office/ foyer areas, toilets and medical/ changing areas.
- Unoccupied areas cleaned weekly (Y2/3 classes, house, library, garden room, kitchen, small group rooms).
- Lunchtime clean – cleaning surfaces and touch points in all occupied rooms.
- A routine deep clean of the whole school to be carried out by an external company at agreed times, out of hours.
- Cleaning stations provided in every room, to be used as required.
- Items for cleaning stations will be stored with the cleaning products and stations replenished before school as needed by the cleaning team.
- Soap and hand sanitiser to be replenished every morning by the caretaker.
- Waste must be double bagged.
- Bins must be lidded.
- COSHH risk assessment updated to include all newly introduced cleaning products
- Training provided to all staff members required to use cleaning products (in consultation with the schools cleaning provider)
- Manufacturers COSHH Safety Data Sheet provided to users of chemical outlining safe use, storage, emergency arrangements and PPE to be used.
- Strict instruction to staff / cleaning provider to keep any cleaning / sanitisation products stored / secure and out of reach of children at all times
- Work with in house or external cleaning provider to ensure safe systems and protocols for use and storage are in place.
- Body Fluids protocol updated to include COVID-19 risks:
- Where clearing up of body fluids is required, the staff member must full appropriate PPE. This will include disposable gloves, disposable apron and fluid resistant surgical facemask and eye protection or face shield
- PPE and waste disposal protocols to be followed (double bag waste)
- Handwashing protocols to be followed
- Protocol in place to respond to emergency cleaning requirements and increased cleaning requests
- If a child or member of staff is isolated on the school site with symptoms (isolation room in group room next to Crystal), or a case is confirmed, see the Government Guidance below for enhanced cleaning:
COVID-19: cleaning in non-healthcare settings
What you need to know
- cleaning an area with normal household disinfectant after someone with suspected coronavirus (COVID-19) has left will reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people
- wear disposable or washing-up gloves and aprons for cleaning. These should be double-bagged, then stored securely for 72 hours then thrown away in the regular rubbish after cleaning is finished
- using a disposable cloth, first clean hard surfaces with warm soapy water. Then disinfect these surfaces with the cleaning products you normally use. Pay particular attention to frequently touched areas and surfaces, such as bathrooms, grab-rails in corridors and stairwells and door handles
- If an area has been heavily contaminated, such as with visible bodily fluids, from a person with coronavirus (COVID-19), use protection for the eyes, mouth and nose, as well as wearing gloves and an apron
- wash hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, and after removing gloves, aprons and other protection used while cleaning
Experience of new coronaviruses (SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) has been used to inform this guidance. The risk of infection depends on many factors, including:
- the type of surfaces contaminated
- the amount of virus shed from the individual
- the time the individual spent in the setting
- the time since the individual was last in the setting
The infection risk from coronavirus (COVID-19) following contamination of the environment decreases over time. It is not yet clear at what point there is no risk. However, studies of other viruses in the same family suggest that, in most circumstances, the risk is likely to be reduced significantly after 72 hours.
Principles of cleaning after the case has left the setting or area
Principles of cleaning after an individual with symptoms of, or confirmed COVID-19, the case has left the setting or area
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
The minimum PPE to be worn for cleaning an area after a person with symptoms of, or confirmed COVID-19 has left the setting possible is disposable gloves and an apron. Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds after all PPE has been removed.
If a risk assessment of the setting indicates that a higher level of virus may be present (for example, where someone unwell has spent the night such as in a hotel room or boarding school dormitory) then additional PPE to protect the cleaner’s eyes, mouth and nose may be necessary. The local Public Health England (PHE) Health Protection Team can advise on this.
Cleaning and disinfection
Public areas where a symptomatic person has passed through and spent minimal time but which are not visibly contaminated with body fluids, such as corridors, can be cleaned thoroughly as normal.
All surfaces that the symptomatic person has come into contact with should be cleaned and disinfected, including all potentially contaminated and frequently touched areas such as bathrooms, door handles, telephones, grab rails in corridors and stairwells
Use disposable cloths or paper roll and disposable mop heads, to clean all hard surfaces, floors, chairs, door handles and sanitary fittings – think one site, one wipe, in one direction.
Use one of the options below:
- a combined detergent disinfectant solution at a dilution of 1,000 parts per million available chlorine (ppm
- a household detergent followed by disinfection (1000 ppm Follow manufacturer’s instructions for dilution, application and contact times for all detergents and disinfectants
- if an alternative disinfectant is used within the organisation ensure that it is effective against enveloped viruses
Avoid mixing cleaning products together as this can create toxic fumes. Avoid creating splashes and spray when cleaning.
Any cloths and mop heads used must be disposed of and should be put into waste bags as outlined below.
When items cannot be cleaned using detergents or laundered, for example, upholstered furniture and mattresses, steam cleaning should be used.
Wash items in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest water setting and dry items completely. Dirty laundry that has been in contact with an unwell person can be washed with other people’s items. To minimise the possibility of dispersing virus through the air, do not shake dirty laundry prior to washing.
Clean and disinfect anything used for transporting laundry with your usual products, in line with the cleaning guidance above.
Personal waste from individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 and waste from cleaning of areas where they have been (including PPE, disposable cloths and used tissues):
- Should be put in a plastic rubbish bag and tied when full
- The plastic bag should then be placed in a second bin bag and tied
- This should be put in a suitable and secure place and marked for storage until the individual’s test results are known
This waste should be stored safely and kept away from children. It should not be placed in communal waste areas until negative test results are known, or the waste has been stored for at least 72 hours.
If the individual tests negative, this can be put indisposed of immediately with the normal waste.
If COVID-19 is confirmed this waste should be stored for at least 72 hours before disposal with normal waste.
If during an emergency you need to remove the waste before 72 hours, it must be treated as Category B infectious waste. You must:
- keep it separate from your other waste
- arrange for collection by a specialist contractor as hazardous waste
There will be a charge for this service.
Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.
Infection Outbreak Protocol – Covid 19
In case of an outbreak (please see definitions below), contact the local Public health team and PHE London Coronavirus Response Cell (LCRC) as below:
Contact Local PH team on
They will
- Respond to your enquiries
- Give advice if there are suspected coronavirus cases (i.e. before test result back)
- Gives ongoing support to settings managing outbreaks
Contact PHE (LCRC) on 0300 303 0450
They will
- Give initial advice when there is a person with confirmed coronavirus in a high-risk setting
- Want organisations to notify them of all confirmed (test positive) cases in high risk local settings (Notifications to be made via or call 03003030450)
- If PHE confirm that there is an outbreak in any setting, they will still:
- Support setting to complete a risk assessment
- Run through infection prevention and control check list
- Support with communications, if needed
- Alert local authority public health team who will provide ongoing support.
- Establish a multi-agency incident management team (if required)
The LA will undertake an outbreak risk assessment to help mitigate the risks. (Please note this is different from the Individual RA and Schools RA already undertaken) Undertake a Risk Assessment
Where settings are observing guidance on COVID-19: infection prevention and control (IPC) which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the whole setting will not generally be necessary.
COVID-19 Education Setting Cluster and Outbreak Definitions.
Cluster definition:
Two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students or staff in a school within 14 days
Increase in the background rate of absence due to suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 (does not include absence rate due to individuals shielding or self-isolating as contacts of cases).
Outbreak definition:
Two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students or staff who are direct close contacts, proximity contacts or in the same cohort* in the school within 14 days.
*a cohort might be in a class, year bubblegroup or other defined bubblegroup within the school. This definition aims to distinguish between transmission occurring in the community verses transmission occurring within the education setting.
If there is a confirmed case of coronavirus (a child, young person or a staff member) in a setting, they should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate for 14 days.
All staff and students who are attending an education or childcare setting will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus and are strongly encouraged to get tested in this scenario.
Employee refusal to arrange a test will need to be discussed with the manager and the employee.
Where the child, young person or staff member tests negative, they can return to their setting and the fellow household members can end their self-isolation. Stay at home guidance is available here.
Where the child, young person or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class or bubblegroup within their childcare or education setting should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days.
The other household members of that wider class or bubble do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live within that bubble subsequently develops symptoms.
If a child with symptoms is awaiting collection, they should be moved, if possible, to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door, depending on the age and needs of the child, with appropriate adult supervision if required. Ideally, a window should be opened for ventilation. If it is not possible to isolate them, move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people.
If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, they should use a separate bathroom if possible. The bathroom must be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.
PPE must be worn by staff caring for the child while they await collection if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained (such as for a very young child or a child with complex needs). More information on PPE use can be found in the safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) guidance.
Any members of staff who have helped someone with symptoms and any pupils who have been in close contact with them do not need to go home to self-isolate unless they develop symptoms themselves (in which case, they should arrange a test) or if the symptomatic person subsequently tests positive or they have been requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace.
Everyone must wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and running water or use hand sanitiser after any contact with someone who is unwell. The area around the person with symptoms must be cleaned with normal household bleach after they have left to reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people. See the COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance.
As part of the NHS Test and Trace programme, if other cases are detected within the cohort or in the wider setting, Local Public Health Team has put Outbreak Action Cards and SOPs in various settings on LBBD’s website . Please follow these.
The NHS Test and Trace programme will play an important role in helping to minimise the spread of coronavirus in the future. It will also include more traditional methods of contact tracing if a child, young person or parent test positive.
Schools must ensure they understand the NHS Test and Trace process and how to contact their local Public Health England health protection team.
Schools must ensure that staff members and parents/carers understand that they will need to be ready and willing to:
• book a test if they are displaying symptoms. Staff and pupils must not come into the school if they have symptoms and must be sent home to self-isolate if they develop them in school. All children can be tested, including children under 5, but children aged 11 and under will need to be helped by their parents/carers if using a home testing kit
• provide details of anyone they have been in close contact with if they were to test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) or if asked by NHS Test and Trace
• self-isolate if they have been in close contact with someone who develops coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or someone who tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)
Advice for Parents
Uniform does not need to be cleaned any more often than usual, nor do they need to be cleaned using methods which are different from normal
The amount of equipment their children bring into school each day, is limited to essentials such as lunch boxes, hats, coats, books and bags
Only one parent should attend the setting when dropping off or collecting a child.
If parents of pupils with significant risk factors are concerned, we recommend schools discuss their concerns and provide reassurance of the measures they are putting in place to reduce the risk in school.
The school will be using class bubbles.
Those positive with Covid-19 or symptoms - phone or email notification to be urgently made to the school and affected persons to stay away from site until required isolation periods have passed.