Start and Finish Times
8.50am – 3.20pm
Opening: 8.45-9.00am
Collection: 3.20-3.30pm
School Start:
School will be open between 8.50 am and 9.00am. Gates and classes will be open between these times so all children can go straightaway to their class. Children can arrive at any time in this 15 minute window and will not be counted as late until after 9am. Families can enter through either gate, drop their children off to their classes and then leave the site immediately.
Late children need to come in through the front office as usual.
School End:
Gates and classes will be open between 3.20 and 3.30pm. Children can be collected at any time during these 15 minutes. Parents can walk round and collect their children, then leave the site immediately. • Gates will be closed promptly at 3.30pm. Uncollected children will be dismissed from the office. • Y6 children with signed permission letters may walk home by themselves.